Developer Tutorials

If you are new to the Jin blockchain, begin with these quickstarts before you get into in-depth development. These tutorials will help you become familiar with how to develop for the Jin blockchain using the Jin SDK.

Install macOS prerequisites

If running macOS, install the following packages in the order specified to take these tutorials:

  1. Node.js: Install Node.js, which will install npm and npx, by executing the below command on your Terminal:

    brew install node
  2. Yarn: Install the latest Yarn by executing the below command on your Terminal:

    brew install yarn

Your First Transaction

How to generate, submit and verify a transaction to the Jin blockchain.

Your First NFT

Learn the Jin token interface and how to use it to generate your first NFT. This interface is defined in the token.move Move module.

Your First Move Module

Write your first Move module for the Jin blockchain.


Make sure to run the Your First Transaction tutorial before running your first Move module.

Your First Dapp

Learn how to build your first dapp. Focuses on building the user interface for the dapp.

Your First Coin

Learn how to deploy and manage a coin. The coin interface is defined in the coin.move Move module.

Last updated