Your First Move Module
This tutorial details how to compile, test, publish and interact with Move modules on the Aptos blockchain. The steps in summary are:
Install the precombiled binary for the Aptos CLI.
Create an account on the Aptos blockchain and fund it.
Compile and test a Move module.
Publish a Move module to the Aptos blockchain.
Interact with a Move module.
Step 1: Install the CLI
Install the precombiled binary for the Aptos CLI.
Step 2: Create an account and fund it
After installing the CLI binary, next step is to create and fund an account on the Aptos blockchain.
Begin by starting a new terminal and run the below command to initialize a new local account:
The output will be similar to below.
The account address in the above output: a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a
is your new account, and is aliased as the profile default
. This account address will be different for you as it is generated randomly. From now on, either default
or 0xa345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a
are interchangeable.
Now fund this account by running this command:
You will see an output similar to the below:
Step 3: Compile and test the module
Several example Move modules are available in the aptos-core/aptos-move/move-examples directory. Open a terminal and change directories into the hello_blockchain
Run the below command to compile the hello_blockchain
To test the module run:
The CLI entry must contain --named-addresses
because the Move.toml
file leaves this as undefined (see below). To prepare the module for the account created in the previous step, we specify that the named address hello_blockchain
is set to our account address, using the default
profile alias.
Step 4: Publish the Move module
After the code was compiled and tested, we can publish the module to the account created for this tutorial. Run this below command:
You will see the output similar to the below:
At this point, the module is now stored on the account in the Aptos blockchain.
Step 5: Interact with the Move module
Move modules expose access points, also referred as entry functions
. These access points can be called via transactions. The CLI allows for seamless access to these access points. The example Move module hello_blockchain
exposes a set_message
entry function that takes in a string
. This can be called via the CLI:
Upon success, the CLI will print out the following:
The set_message
function modifies the hello_blockchain
resource. A resource is a data structure that is stored in global storage. The resource can be read by querying the following REST API:
which, after the first execution contains the following:
Notice that the message
field contains hello, blockchain
Each successful call to set_message
after the first call results in an update to message_change_events
. The message_change_events
for a given account can be accessed via the REST API:
where, after a call to set the message to hello, blockchain, again
, the event stream would contain the following:
Other accounts can reuse the published module by calling the exact same function as in this example. It is left as an exercise to the reader.
Last updated